Monday, December 1, 2008

After the Storm?

I have been online for over 10 hours now and I (obviously) have a splitting headache. I came online to study for the Heritage India quiz, but I haven't really been into it, though. I go to facebook, orkut, wikipedia, yahoo and then again after a half hour I go to facebook, orkut, wikipedia, yahoo. It is almost like an OCD problem. I must add that my preparation for the heritage is coming off just about fine. I wish I had a week now .... but I have half a day left and I am going to pack as much of a punch as I can. I am sorry if I disappoint you, Shubham Prakhar, but I tried as much as I could.

Life has been so dead ever since ECONORM got over. I have been chasing teachers for my foreign applications. I never wanted to go abroad. I just filled the SAT form because everyone did that and after that, I have been getting sucked into the quagmire. St.Stephen's is no more my goal ... it is either Harvard or St.Xavier's. Nevetheless, life has been very very listless of late. And I still repent something about Heritage ... really don't know what.

As I told my good friend yesterday, my life without studies is nothing. Have I been degrading into an aimless person? Maybe. I just don't study. Studies was perhaps the glue that held me together and now it is not there. Maybe that is the problem. Life used to be (ironically) so much fun earlier when I used to study. Now, it is very very dull.

So, I'll pick up the pieces and try to start studying. Classes 9th and 10th exhausted me, it seems. I just cannot do it anymore. But I will try, give it my best. True, everything that I could have worked for is over. But my life isn't. A new set of opportunities will arise. And I will rise with them.

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