Thursday, November 13, 2008

Behind The Scenes at ECONORM 08

The ECONORM 08 was finally held on 10th Nov 08. Must say, the first half an hour was the worst period of my time. Sanskriti School was the first to arrive dot at 8:15 and we still were far from ready. By the time we wrapped up registration, two judges had still not arrived and when I reached up, i saw that they had begun the programme and I am like, "OMG, it has started!!"

I actually took the easier way out. I retreated from the AVH (left it to Nivedita) and sneaked into the Blossoms' Basement for the Inquizition and Brainstorming. These two events went off really well, but it was far from perfect. Brainstorming first. I really didn't spend much time here either. My trusted lieutenant, Sneha Chakravarthy, quite ably handled the entire event.

Meanwhile, I was with the quiz guys. After all, I am supposed to be a quizzing guy, ain't I? Anyways, in any eco quiz, 2-3 schools are always ahead of the pack. It was the same case here. New Era Public School topped the prelims with 19 points (out of 40), DPS, Vasant Kunj was second with 18 and St.Columba's third with 18. The problem was with the fourth team. DPS, R K Puram and DPS, NOIDA were tied at 10.5 and had the same scores in the tie-breaker criterion too. Initially, out of the 4 who were checking the papers, 3 were in favour of qualifying our own team. But the one gaddar, Kritika Bajaj, got three more people who favoured DPS, NOIDA and turned us into a minority. Actually, the DPS, NOIDA guys were amateur quizzers and Kritika really didn't want them to go disappointed. Thankfully, our own guys were gracious enough to understand.

But then "the controversy" happened. Modern School, Barakhamba Road came up to Kritika and claimed to have scored 11 and went on the accuse Kritika of taking out her personal grudges against them (these Modern, Bk. Rd. guys beat her in 2-3 quizzes that, in my very unbiased opinion, were a blot on the tradition of quizzing). Kritika, being the naive person that she is, entertained them by telling them where they went wrong. Those guys had written Birla instead of Priyamvada Birla and Recreated instead of Recreation (in Wagon R). We didn't give our own team a point for a mistake of $1, so why should we have given them points for 3 wrong alphabets? However, my co-president, Nivedita Singh, thought that bad blood won't really be good and we decided to hold a 5-question tie-breaker between Modern School, Barakhamba Road and DPS, NOIDA. And surprise, surprise!! Modern, Barakhamba Road scored 0 while DPS, NOIDA scored 2. You see, we don't need to take out our "personal grudges". Because we are very sure of who we are and what we want. We know that in a proper quiz (and not a joke of a quiz), we can beat any other team hands down. However, till the day the standard of eco quizzing rises, we'll be accused of "personal grudges". But we really don't blame the Modern, BK guys. When we had a problem with their quiz at ARTHNAMA and Kritika had gone ballistic, I had made Kritika apoligize because I wanted us to lose gracefully. but this chapter was closed, and closed definitely.

So, the final four teams took to the stage and we threw a lot of questions at them (you can contact me if you want the quiz questions, since many people actually want them). There was a problem in between, when New Era Public School claimed to have 5 more points than the scoreboard showed them to have. I told them to wait until the end of the quiz to clear all doubts. Well handled, I must say. Anyhow, the New Era Public school topped the finals too with I think 105-110 points. St.Columba's was second with 90 and DPS, Vasant Kunj was third with 70, I guess. The DPS, Vasant Kunj guy was supposed to be a big-shot quizzer and he was being too active on stage (interfering, I may add). He was laughed at by the audience a few times, but I felt sorry for having abetted that. I must apologise. I should not have been that rude.

The quiz was really the most acclaimed part of the ECONORM 08. The New Era and St.Columba's guy really praised it and so did Mr.Head Boy, Shubham Prakhar.

Now, once upon a time, another head boy, lets call him Mr.AJ, had told a lot of people that I would be a bad ECONOX President. Mr.AJ, as I told Nivedita Singh, it is not always about the brain and how well you plan and execute. Somewhere down the line, passion comes in. This is what I had and I had lots of it. And the success of the ECONORM proves it.


sahilk said...

i would like you to mail me the questions of econorm 2008
at ""

Prateek Vijayavargia said...


Econorm 2008 Was a great event - Full Points for the Quiz - Not becoz we won it, because it was after all an enjoyable and knowledgeable Quiz. And It was nice of you people to accommodate the grievances of one and all :-) - Thats always nice. There was good quality Quizzing, great transparency and enjoyment. I know this guy from DPSVK - Hez not a "big-shot" Quizzer, I must confirm dat.....;-) But I feel the digs he was taking and then the quizmaster's reactions were uncalled for.
Hoping to have more such events like this in other schools also.
Do share the Prelims and Finals qns of the Quiz with me.
So what all Biz Quizzes u been to? Does Modern BK also have one?

Subhashish said...

Modern BK had an eco quiz way back in May. They had no prelims, all 13 teams took part in the "finals" and in the last round, Modern BK suddenly got all questions right in the rapid fire and thus won. I lost my faith in eco quizzes and I left quizzing after that.

So, Kritika has been doing all quizzes after that. She lost at Modern VV (she said the prelims paper was useless), came third at Frank Anthony and (as you know) won at Sanskriti. I know that eco quizzes tend to vary from the kiddish to rubbish. And that is why I took great pains and time to find only very good questions for the econorm.

p.s. I was the quizmaster and I was just getting very irritated of the DPSVK guy's comments. So, my reactions were just a natural reaction. But then, that was fun too.

Subhashish said...

I qualified for the CBSE HIQ. And then, I was there at the Vasant Valley quiz. Another rigged one ....

Prateek Vijayavargia said...

@ Subhashish - Rite thats fine, np. Its good to be natural on stage ;-) Hope to have something like this next year too. So which stream are you in?
Whats your email ID?
Best of Luck for the Heritage India Quiz Finals!
Thanks for info on all the Quizzes.
Yes, VV Quiz was bad and rigged bigtime I guess.

Subhashish said...

I have science with eco.
E-mail ID :

Chirag Jain said...

hey subhashish!!
great quiz and a good blog post....
more than coming 2nd, the quiz was a really interesting quiz which tested a variety of areas under the umbrella term biz/eco.
and then to duel it out with prateek was fun too (i've never had the chance to, with a great quizzer like him)...
and subhashish
i think your jibes to dps vk guy were entertaining (my school loved your performance more than mine!!!!)
hope to meet you at some quiz later this tell me of some eco-biz quizzes....
by the way i think the scores were 105, 100, 76, 50...

Subhashish said...

I heard some people said that ... you know ... that DPS, R K Puram gave itself all the prizes.

I was really quite dejected to hear that. I mean, my whole vision for ECONORM was for it to be a high-honesty and transparent thing.

See, we didn't even give our school guys a chance to qualify for the finals. I guess, the best thing would be for the host school not to participate.

Subhashish said...

And yeah, the quiz was as good as it was because I kept on telling Kritika "Chirag would be coming to the quiz. Do you want him to go back and say to his friends "Oh ... dps, rkp had a pathetic quiz" and that is why the quiz was much above mediocrity"

Anonymous said...

Firstly, my apologies if you may at the DPS VK quiz team's behavior. That's not the culture I tried to inculcate there, and yes, Saurabh does get too far ahead at times.

Just saw the prelim papers here. Seems to be quite interesting, despite one blooper I picked out.

Subhashish said...

The prelims at our quiz was not really what was good about the quiz. You see, the eco quizzers are generally pathetic quizzers and that is why we kept very direct questions for the prelims.

I guess people generally enjoyed the finals more.

And Saurabh turned out to be a very interesting person. I really didn't mind that. It was fun.

Subhashish said...

@ Ankur

And yeah, please do tell me the mistake. I must confess that I didn't put in much effort to re-check the questions.

A lot of the participants thought that the Oil Crisis of the 1970s led to the formation of the OPEC. I got it checked and it was what I thought it was - the G8.

Anonymous said...

The one on Queen Mary being the largest ocean liner. It isn't. That was like...decades ago. Queen Mary 2 did have the largest tag till a few years back, but then it was taken over by another ocean (don't recollect the other name).

Subhashish said...

Yeah, someone in my school too pointed it out. Thankfully, no one had even a remote idea about it.

Anonymous said...

Do you have a soft copy of the final round questions? If yes, could you mail them to me: ankur(dot)banerjee(at)yahoo(dot)com

topgun said...

Well am frm dps noida econorm...was awesome...the finals...were innovative...btw we maybe amateur eco quizzers..but definately not amateur quizzers in any sense.....our best better than most schools.....better than rkp too.....btw all ppl please send us more invites for quizzes at not to our school...cos smtimes we dnt get to knw..abt the quizzes...